I haz been having a life!
After being a bit antisocial and hermit like for a few years, I am actually going out of the house and meeting real people, on a regular occurrence! Yeah, strange....
I have a knit and natter gathering on a Wednesday and Thursday. Knitting, surrounded by books in the library, with a coffee supplying cafe within spitting distance, what could be better :)
And "pain management" group on a Friday. It's useless. honestly. I have to go as part of my treatment for my various ailments, or the specialist will stop seeing me.
This course, and the accompanying "workbook" is a waste of my time. Two and a half hours of "pain specialists" blathering on about all the stuff you should be doing, when its blatantly obvious they have never experienced any chronic or long term pain. All whilst being sat on the most uncomfortable chairs ever, pointing out to the people in charge that these are terrible chairs, and 2 weeks later, guess what...? Yeah, still got the painfully uncomfortable chairs.
Apparently, I am meant to pace myself in doing stuff, and not run around like a blue arsed fly getting everything done when I'm feeling OK. So how and when am I meant to get stuff done???
Oh, I had my big toenail removed last week.....
It;s a bit manky at the moment, but anything would be if a caustic solution was used on it.
The nurse was bemused, as I was asking more questions than the student who was in lol.
I've not dropped anything on it, yet..........
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