Friday, 27 March 2015

Must make!!!

Just found this blog post,(link is the first sentence of post, above pics) and the card is magnificent, truly gorgeous, and I want to make it...OK, I may be a bit lacking in the skill department for this, but enthusiasm counts, doesn't it it?

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Random crafty things I like.....

So, I thought I would make a blog about all the various crafty type links I find on my insomniac fueled trawls through intermanet land, just so I have them all in one, neat, glorious list. 
(I'm a bit obsessed with lists, but you didn't hear it from me...)
I love crafting, i;m always doing something with my hands, but it can be bloody expensive, (says she, the owner of a Cuttlebug, and about a gazillion dies and embossing folders) so anyway i can "upcycle" ( I HATE that word, just say recycle and stop being a hipster!!) AND save money, well, its all good in my old eyes :)

I'm rambling again, aren't I.......

This looks fun, and doable, even by me!

I've got an old pair of flip flops, much loved, but crippled, that I've been thinking of trying to salvage, maybe this could work..

I will be adding to this list periodically, feel free to leave your own links in the comments :)

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Betcha getting bored of all these competition entries.......

Well guess what folks?
Yup, another one :)

I promise I will get back to proper, rambling posts at some point soon, my head has been in a weird sort of space for a while, all sorts going on, etc.

But I digress....

The aforementioned entry..

As I happen to like purple, I quite like this entry!
The peacock and sentiments  are all from Pretty Peacocks, a set sold byimaginethatdigistamp
The competition is hosted on their blog-site

I think I'm really getting the hang of my software now, which is good, as my hands are so sore lately, physical crafting has gone out of the window :(

I hope you all are liking these bits and pieces I am making, and I'm not boring you to tears like an uncle with a holiday slideshow......