Thursday, 24 December 2015

Christmas eve, and all through the house......

Not a creature was stirring, apart from my demented cats, who are tearing up the place, as usual!!

We've given up on decorations and trees and anything festive, as , apart from me and Him being a bit bah humbug, Psycho one and Psycho 2 delight in murdering anything shiny and or dangly. And seeing that Psycho 1 is the size of a small dog (im not kidding, he has to be weighed on dog scales at the vets, as the cats are too small!!), when he goes into kitten mode, its scaaaaaary! Think exocet missile with claws and fur and intelligence...

Enough of my delightful masters though, and back to the topic in hand, *drumroll*  a.....card!!

Ain't it cute :)

Main image is, as usual, from imaginethatdigistamp digistamp of the month challenge,all the rest from, via Serif craft artist.

And with that, I'll wish you all a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year :)


Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Its Autumn...YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!

I love Autumn.

The glorious. rich colours of the leaves, the berries beginning to come into fruit, (yum)the sunsets, the clement weather, the lack of that bright ball in the sky......

Its no real surprise to people who know me, I'm not a big fan of hot, sunny weather. Sure, I like a nice day along with the rest of you, but not when I can walk 100 metres and get sunburned!!  
I burn very easily, and have never had a tan. I like being pale and interesting, much less upkeep :)

All the leaves are getting nice and crunchy here, in the north of England, and I've already had strange looks from the locals for jumping in the piles and skooshing them with my feet....what fun!

Yes, I am an adult........
But, I don't admit to growing up ;)

Anywhoo, piccy time.
Us Brits don't celebrate thanksgiving, so its not a theme I'm that familiar with, so I tried to make it autumnal-ish....

digistamp is from  imaginethatdigistamp, the DOTM progressive challenge.


Thursday, 22 October 2015

God help us, but, "its beginning to look a lot like Christmas".....

My town has the lights up, shops have got the generic, schmaltzy, red and white crap in, and its depressing as owt :(
Halloween, the best holiday in my opinion, hasn't even happened!!

Aaaand, I made a christmas card........

The image of the kitty and the sentiment is from imagine that digistamp digi of the month progressive challenge.
The background, and everything else is made with Serifs program, Craft Artist.

Christmas, BAH HUMBUG!!!!!!!


Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Two posts in a month?? You lucky devils.....

Slightly more communicative am I this month, though still in a bit of a funk.
I blame the weather, all this rain is playing havoc with me ol' bones......
Yup, I'm British, not five minutes into the conversation, and its weather talk!

I will apologise in advance for any crappy spelling mistakes or grammar, I'm typing in the dark, and I've succumbed to false nails.. Bloody things are murder for typing in, and I now poke futilely at my phone, in a vain hope of hitting the right part of the screen.. 

I hate being  a girl sometimes!

Competition entry time....!
Ha, thought I'd forgotted, didn't you!
Nope, I lulled you into a false sense of security, then hit you in the face with it, like a big, ol' smelly haddock :)

As usual, the images are from Imagine That! digistamps progressive challenge of the month. I snuck a few hodgehegs in, just cuz they are cuute!

Thats all folks! 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Time for a little update

So, I've been a bit on the quiet side lately, which is not a new thing. If you don;t know me, chances are, you're not aware of my changing moods. I can be very quiet and withdrawn for a while, then talkative and bouncy the next moment. 

I Am Borderline Manic Depressive.

I refuse to take the medication for it, one, because I take so much medication already I rattle, and two, the tablets make me feel like the walking dead, albeit without the brain eating...
Generally, I'm pretty much OK, I just get on with things, have the occasional rant or sulk, and that's it. With the pain I'm in lately though, things seem to be getting on top of me more, and I'm finding it hard to keep the smile from slipping. I regress into myself in these instances, not wanting to talk to people, not wanting to go outside, holing myself up mentally and physically.

Not Good.

I go to an informal knitting/crochet group twice a week, at the local library. I go every week, even when I don;t want to, just to try and get me out of my hole. I've only missed it 3 times since October last year, once was for a funeral, once was a hospital appointment, and I slipped on the third one, and didn't even leave the house that day. The ladies in my group are a fantastic bunch, and much laughing and chatter can be heard when we get together.

Its Helping, I Think.

I now actually volunteer at the library, one day a week, teaching people to knit and crochet! I can socialise a bit better, and haven't felt the need to lock myself away for a while now. Of course, I have dark days, times where I don't answer the door, or sometimes won't go out for a few days, but those days feel different now, not weighing so heavy on me.

Things Don't Look So Bleak Any More.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Ta da.....

I know I don't update you all very much at the moment, life is getting in the way, and I'm not feeling particularly chatty lately. I apologise :(
I hope to get more prolific soon though..don;t know if that is good or bad news for y'all out there in internetty land.

Anyhoo, competition entry time!!

Images are from  imagine that, "treat stand" and "Freddie s recipes", backgrounds from Serif Craft artist Pro.
I have packed most of my physical crafting stuff away for now, so will be mostly doing digicrafts for a while, until my mojo comes back, or I can be bothered to sort it all out...


Monday, 29 June 2015

Forgetful, moi??

I nearly forgot about the card comp this month from Imagine digistamps!!!
I can forgive myself dubious, almost late entries, but forgetting, tut tut Kelly!
I have been busy with my needlecraft though, trying to finish another bloody Dr Who scarf, a Raving Rabbid that isn't even started, a Nyan Cat. and lots of clothes for my new bjd "babies".

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Anywhoo, here's the entry...

The image and sentiment is from Imagine That Digistamps, everything else is bits and pieces i've collected from t'interwebs and skilfully (HA!!) combined in Serif Craft Artist Pro.
One of these days, I will make a physical card again, but my mojo has gone, plus my stuff is under a huge pile of nonsense, and I cant be arsed to move it!

x ttfn x

Friday, 29 May 2015

Competition......oh you know what comes next!

The monthly entry, cutting it a bit fine this month 0_o

As usual, this competition is hosted by imaginethatdigistamp. This is the progressive monthly challenge image, one of two offered this month!

I just used the sentiment ( I hope that's all right mods?) and some digikit items from the Craft Artist Pro program from Serif.
I kind of struggled with this months, as the images weren't giving me any inspiration, not that they aren't fantastic as usual.

Thursday, 7 May 2015


I may be a tad untidy when I craft, butonly a little bit though... (she says ignoring the random bits of wool and thread, cardboard offcuts and other detritus)
I've been thinking of ways to make thing a bit more organised chaos, as apposed to complete and utter craftpocalypse, and I found this...

Its a pincushion thread catcher type thingie, or random crap catcher in my case!
I found it on, a blog that seems to have a bit of everything on it, and worth a longer looksee.
I'm going to dig out some abusive skull fabric, and whip one of these up, at some point this year. Poscrastinate? Moi? 


Friday, 24 April 2015


Ooh look, another card entry for a competition........
Yeah, I know, I haven't posted much else lately, but life, and the pursuit of the yarn arts has been taking over recently....

This card is made with the D.O.T.M "My Sailmate", and blog train papers from Imagine That!
I've made it quite plain this time, as I wanted the cute figures to be the main focus.

Monday, 6 April 2015

I Am officially Bi...craftual!!!

So I put my mind to something I had wanted to do for a while now, learn to crochet.
I can knit very well, have been doing for as long as I can remember, but could never wrap my head around "the hook"

Enter: A friend who wants a thing made. This thing is lovely, but in crochet. Friend asked if I would be able to replicate it in knit. I pondered a while, and said " meh, now's a good a time as any, I'll learn to crochet and make it!"

And you know what..?  I did learn to crochet, and finished the thing... a scarf for breast cancer..

here t'is


Now, I'm flying, and have started a blanket, and two toys....Somebody stop me!!!

X t.t.f.n X

Friday, 27 March 2015

Must make!!!

Just found this blog post,(link is the first sentence of post, above pics) and the card is magnificent, truly gorgeous, and I want to make it...OK, I may be a bit lacking in the skill department for this, but enthusiasm counts, doesn't it it?

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Random crafty things I like.....

So, I thought I would make a blog about all the various crafty type links I find on my insomniac fueled trawls through intermanet land, just so I have them all in one, neat, glorious list. 
(I'm a bit obsessed with lists, but you didn't hear it from me...)
I love crafting, i;m always doing something with my hands, but it can be bloody expensive, (says she, the owner of a Cuttlebug, and about a gazillion dies and embossing folders) so anyway i can "upcycle" ( I HATE that word, just say recycle and stop being a hipster!!) AND save money, well, its all good in my old eyes :)

I'm rambling again, aren't I.......

This looks fun, and doable, even by me!

I've got an old pair of flip flops, much loved, but crippled, that I've been thinking of trying to salvage, maybe this could work..

I will be adding to this list periodically, feel free to leave your own links in the comments :)

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Betcha getting bored of all these competition entries.......

Well guess what folks?
Yup, another one :)

I promise I will get back to proper, rambling posts at some point soon, my head has been in a weird sort of space for a while, all sorts going on, etc.

But I digress....

The aforementioned entry..

As I happen to like purple, I quite like this entry!
The peacock and sentiments  are all from Pretty Peacocks, a set sold byimaginethatdigistamp
The competition is hosted on their blog-site

I think I'm really getting the hang of my software now, which is good, as my hands are so sore lately, physical crafting has gone out of the window :(

I hope you all are liking these bits and pieces I am making, and I'm not boring you to tears like an uncle with a holiday slideshow......


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Guess what....another competiton entry!

Messed around in Serif Craft Artist again for this page/card front.
Its cute, but not overly saccharin. 
I tried using textures this time, on the stars and butterflies. You can only just see it, but it makes them stand out just a little bit :)

Image and sentiment are from imagine that!, The set is called "Mailbox Kitties", and comes with three different sentiments, and coloured/uncoloured main image.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Competition entry....

I definitely feel I'm getting the hang of this digital scrapbook malarkey.
My entry for the competition being hosted by imaginethatdigistamp.

The images and papers are from the "Football Humphrey" digiset from the imagine that shop.
The frame is from a digikit from Daisytrail, and it was all skillfully (HA) put together on Serifs Craft Artist 2 Pro.

Thursday, 8 January 2015


Yeah, so I've been a bit quiet on the blog front for a while now.
I've had to deal with some major stress, and its finally starting to look like its going better now...yaaay me!
The knitting is going very well, although all the work I did over the holidays has made my barely there carpal tunnel flare right up. I've bought a splint, and am doing stretchy type things, hoping I'm not going to need to go under the knife *yick*

Colouring and card making.....hmmm....
Pretty much non existant at the moment. I have been trying out digital colouring on my spanking new tablet that the hairy one got me for chrimbo. I must have been a very good girl 0:o)

Went and saw the not so mini me's and dropped in on my lovely cousin, all without revealing the plan, all 600 odd mile round trip of it!

Aaand, now it looks like El hairy has given me the lurgy.........