So all you lovely blog readers, hello again! I has been very quiet for a while, I know. Life, and all sorts of non interesting things have got in the way, as usual.
I have been churning out the knitting, multiple mini teds that are super fiddly, a minion, some Frozen characters, and a dead fish hat. And the usual socks as well. As well as all that, I have an ongoing Tom Baker Dr Who scarf, that is taking aaaages to finish. Not because its hard, but because it is all garter stitch.....miles of the bloody stuff!! I keep forgetting and do purl rows, then I have to frog back and redo...its frustrating.
I am also trying a new pattern for ....knee warmers... Yes, you read right...knee warmers! I have painful knees on good days, and when they get cold, they become pretty much unbearable. Short of constantly having blankets gaff taped to my legs, I need something else. Even Deep Heat spray wasn't warming them up..
Theyre meant to look like this when finished....
I'm using a nubbly pinky purple sheeps wool that I have leftover from a jumper I made, so it should be lovely and warming.
I'm also getting better at the loosing of the body flub, almost a stone now!! No faddy diet, not slogging for hours exercising, just watching my portions, and working on a daily calorie allowance. I'm still eating chocolate, ice cream, take aways, all the good stuff, even real butter! I'm just not eating as much anymore. We shall see if I can continue.